Isotropic performance of the RadiSense® RSS1006 | Before Raditeq perfected the art of great isotropic performance we already understood that size does matter! In this case it is only the smaller the better. Therefore the RadiSense® 6 | 10 MHz – 6 GHz was one of the smallest E-Field probes of its time. having a lower frequency range than our latest models: RSS2010I and RSS2040S the RadiSense 6 was already great a having a low isotropic error.

Improving over time
As one might have noticed Raditeq ins never sitting still when it comes to new developments of our products. We’ve realized a progression of probes starting from 1999 with the worlds first Laser Powered Probe.
At Raditeq, we know how vital precision is in EMC immunity testing. RadiSense® probes are more than just tools—they ensure the accuracy and reliability of your tests. The field probe is the key reference in any EMC test environment. This contributed in our ever present goal to create the most effective and most accurate E-Field probes possible.
Whether you’re conducting advanced research or meeting regulatory standards, RadiSense® gives you confidence in applying the correct test levels and avoiding the risks of under-testing your products.
Download here the full report on the isotropic behavior of the RadiSense® 6 series
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Check out the test report with typical rotational symmetry data for the RadiSense® 10 probes across their entire frequency range. This data shows how the RadiSense® probes provide accurate field strength measurements with minimal anisotropic error. Our innovative technology enhances your EMC immunity testing and delivers results you can trust.