Poland Reseller in Poland

AP Flyer

AP Flyer sp. z o.o.Zeganska 2d str.04-713 WarsawPoland
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    DRONE DETECTION SYSTEMS: manufacturer of MADDOS (Multi-sensor Automatic Drone Detection and Observation System) and AARTOS.

    The MADDOS system is designed to detect the intrusion of unwanted drones by using real time directional measurements of the drone’s electromagnetic emissions (including its remote control) or using 3D radar systems. The system has no limitation with regard to its detection range. Usually, the detection range is the same (or better) as the usable distance between the operator and the drone, thus depending on the transmitter power of the drone/its operator. Taking into account the various drone types and topography, this range can be up to 50 km or more. The drone detection system can be used virtually anywhere. It is available as a single-site or multiple-site solution and can be adjusted to the characteristics of the respective terrain/area to be monitored.

    The development of products

    Service AP Flyer


      • EMC CHAMBERS: design, installation, putting into operation and service of anechoic chambers, shielded rooms for the needs of medical devices, servers and the secret chambers – COMTEST, SAMWHA.
      • TEST EQUIPMENT: control and measuring devices with accessories: spectrum analyzers, oscilloscopes, signal generators, EMI-test receivers, amplifiers and antennas – Raditeq, BONN Electronics, HILO Test, Spitzenberger & Spies, AARONIA, EMZER, PONTIS, MATURO.
      • RUGGED TERMINALS: certified, enhanced mobile computers and tablets – DURABOOK, and certified industrial computers for installation in cars – SUNIT.
      • eID READERS: eID readers with PinPad and Display, eSignature application, Middleware for using nationals eID – REINER SCT.
      • Finger Banking and Finger Payment solutions: easier to withdraw cash over the counter at the bank or ATM, secure banking transactions using finger prints, preventing the use of false identities or the identity of undesirable person to open a bank account, eliminating the costly and time-consuming system of password management in the bank – DERMALOG.
