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RadiSense | Electric Field Probe
No, this is not needed anymore! The RadiSense® 10 probe has the capability to store the x, y and z-axis frequency response correction data from an ISO17025 accredited calibration certificate internally inside the field probe as ‘user correction’. In this way you cannot make any mistakes like applying the wrong axis factors and/or forgetting to apply the corrections. As a result of this feature, you can achieve higher quality EMC testing.

In case the calibration is being performed at KIWA dare Calibrations (ISO107205 accredited of E-field probe calibrations) this is not needed. The calibration labs at DARE!! Calibrations are equipped with multiple RadiCentre + LPS2001B systems that can be used to operate the RadiSense 10 field probe during calibration. In this way the transportation costs and damage risks are minimized. The calibration results (frequency response X-Y-Z, linearity and isotropy) are provided as an ISO17025 calibration certificate (Adobe® PDF format) as well as in electronic format (MS® Excel file).

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