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RadiField | Electric Field Generators
The IEC61000-4-3- standard defines that the harmonics generated by the amplifier shall be such that any measured field strength in the UFA at each harmonic frequency shall be at least 6 dB below that of the fundamental frequency.
The RadiField is an integrated system which includes amplifiers and antennae of which the harmonics have been measured. Test reports show that the actual harmonics are at least 15 dB (typical) lower at all frequencies. At harmonic frequencies above 15 GHz the suppression is even more than 30 dB.
Conclusion: The RadiField by far meets the harmonic specification of – 6dBc.

For its operation, the RadiField only needs a single RF coaxial cable. This coaxial cable should be suitable for frequencies up to 6 GHz (for the RadiField RFS2006B) and be capable to handle a DC current of 8 Ampère. The cable should be fitted with N-type (male) connectors on both sides. Typically, an Ecoflex-10 (Ø 10 mm) coaxial cable is suitable for operation of the RadiField.

The RadiField is operated through the power supply and communication plug-in card (model PSU2400A). This plug-in card is installed in the RadiCentre (Pro) modular test system and occupies two slots. The PSU2400A has a mains power supply connector, mains ON/OFF switch and one SMA input for applying the RF carrier signal. The N-type output connector has four (4) different functions. First, it transfers the RF carrier signal to the RadiField Triple A unit. Next to this, it provides the 55VDC voltage supply and arranges bi-directional communication to the RadiField Triple A unit. Finally, it can automatically control the horizontal / vertical polarization of the RadiField Triple A unit when it is used in combination with the RadiTower model RTW2000A with integrated polarizer.

When installing the RadiField for the first time or after any disconnect it might be that the internal polarizer motor of the RadiTower has “forgotten” its settings. Therefore the current polarization need to be redefined. This is done through the RadiCentre screen.
Select under the RadiField Tab on the RadiCentre the polarization setup. Store the current position as Horizontal or Vertical (which ever one is applicable). Then move the mast to the alternate state (so from horizontal to vertical or visa versa). and Store the second position.
Step-by-step guide how to setup the polarizer
1. How do I start the setup for the RadiField polarizer?
Navigate to the Setup option on the RadiField display located within the RadiCentre.

2. How do I set the RadiField to the horizontal position?
Ensure the polarizer’s linear actuator is extended:
- Repeatedly press “Extend (CCW) Course” and “Extend (CCW) Fine” until the RadiField is in the horizontal position.
- Then, press “Store: Horizontal position” to save this position.
3. How can I confirm the RadiField is in the horizontal position?
After pressing “Store: Horizontal position,” the status should update to show that the RadiField is in the horizontal position.

4. How do I set the RadiField to the vertical position?
Press the “Retract (CW)” button repeatedly, turning the RadiField until it reaches a vertical position.
- Once in the vertical position, press “Store: Vertical position” to save it.
5. How can I confirm the RadiField is in the vertical position?
After pressing “Store: Vertical position,” the status should update to indicate the RadiField is in the vertical position.
6. How do I test the polarization switch?
Return to the main RadiField screen. The polarization should indicate “Vertical.” When you press “Horizontal,” the RadiField should rotate to the horizontal position.

The RadiField is specified to generate a maximum field strength of 18 V/m at a test distance of 3 meters over a frequency range from 800 MHz up to 4 GHz. From 4 GHz to 6 GHz it can generate 10 V/m. This is defined as the maximum field strength at ‘TME’.
To calculate the maximum field strength level at other test distances, the following formula can be used:
E = 3 * ETME, max / d
Where ETME,max = 18 V/m and d = the new distance in meters
For example: the maximum field at 1 m distance is 3 * 18 / 1 = 54 V/m.

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