ISO17025 accredited (RvA) calibration certificate for RadiPower® 18 GHz
ISO17025 accredited (RvA) calibration certificate for RadiPower® 18 GHz CW (RPR2018C) or 18 GHz Burst/pulse (RPR2018P) power head by Kiwa Dare Calibrations. Calibration procedure:Measured frequency points: 0;009 – 1000 MHz 4 points per decade (1;3;5;7)1 GHz – 3 GHz 500 MHz steps3 GHz – 18 GHz: 1 GHz steps Calibrated under RvA accreditation:Reflection coefficient from 9kHz – 18GHz Calibration factors RF power sensors at nominal 0 dBm;Linearity of RF power at 50MHz from 0dBm – -10dBm in 1dB steps and -10dBm – -60 dBm in 10dB steps Absolute power (reference source)
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E2000 Connector Saver Assembly
Factory calibration, field probe 10 GHz
Factory calibration, field probe 18 GHz