RadiCentre® CPU card

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CPU card for RadiCentre® and RadiCentre Pro

Raditeq B.V. offers a standard warranty term of three (3) years on their products, calculated from the shipping date, under the condition that the product is registered on www.raditeq.com. For registration of the product, the customer should provide the product model, serialnumber and the responsible reseller (if applicable). If the product is not registered, a limited warranty term of one (1) year will be applicable.

Return Material Authorization (RMA) & Warranty repair

If a defect occurs to our product within the warranty term, a Return Material Authorization (RMA) ‘Warranty Repair’ request can be issued using the RMA link at www.raditeq.com/support. Upon receipt of the request, an RMA number will be provided. Please do not send the product without this RMA number! The defective product should be shipped to our service department at the following address:

Raditeq B.V. – Service Department

Vijzelmolenlaan 3


The Netherlands

There will be no charge for repair services (materials or labour) within the (extended) warranty term.

These warranty terms are not applicable to:

  • Normal wear and tear
  • Fibre optic cables
  • Products that have been improperly used
  • Products that have been used outside their specified range
  • Products that have been improperly installed and/or maintained
  • Products that have been modified without approval of Raditeq
  • Calibration and/or re-calibration of the product

Repair services on products that are not covered by the Raditeq warranty will be charged to the customer.

Repairs outside warranty

If a defect is not covered under warranty, an RMA fixed-repair can be ordered on the RMA link: www.raditeq.com/support If a re-calibration is needed after repair, this calibration should be ordered separately. The calibration will be performed at the ISO17025 accredited calibration laboratories of DARE!! Calibrations, based on the applicable service code / prices.

Warranty after repair

For repairs outside the original warranty period, a limited warranty of six months is applicable on the performed repair. Shipping conditions are the same as with repairs that are covered within the original warranty period.


The customer will need to arrange shipping and cover for the costs (like e.g. transportation costs, duties, taxes) for sending the defect product the service department of Raditeq in The Netherlands. Raditeq will arrange the courier and cover for the costs for the return shipment after repair.


Accredited EMC Facilities


