South Korea Reseller in South Korea


ITC KoreaChangnyond-daeroYeongtong-gu(16229), 260 Gyeonggi-doSouth Korea
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2012 창업한 ㈜아이티씨코리아는EMC시험&반도체관련, 시험 장비 공급과 교육, 유지 보수, 교정 대행, 인증대행을 주업으로 하고 있습니다. 고객 우선주의와 협업을 추구하는 회사입니다. 저희가 공급하는 서비스와 제품은 고객의 NEEDS 맞게 최상의 상품을 판매 지속적인 지원 능력을 보유하고 있습니다.

Founded in 2012, Haiti C Korea Co., Ltd. mainly focuses on EMC test & semiconductor related test equipment supply and training, maintenance, calibration, and certification. It is a company that pursues customer preference and collaboration. The services and products we have give you the ability to continue to support after selling the best products to suit your NEEDS.

The development of products

Service ITCK CO Ltd.

CS, RS Test 시스템, software 및 액세서리, ESD, EFT, SURGE, DI복합기, 교정, TLP시험기 등


CS, RS Test system, software and accessories, ESD, EFT, SURGE, DI complex, calibration, TLP tester and much more!



The services and products we have give you the ability to continue to support after selling the best products to suit your NEEDS.